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Seeing Eye Dog Joke

A man and his wife were going for a stroll one night when they spotted what was obviously a blind man taking a walk on the other side of the street with his seeing eye dog.

“Wow! Isn’t that something!” remarked the wife, “look at that man taking a stroll just like us.”

They continued strolling for a few minutes longer when they heard the man let out a loud yelp. The dog had walked him right into a parked car and he had clearly banged his shin pretty hard. Rushing over to help, they were surprised to see the man reach into his pocket and pull out a treat for the dog.

“Isn’t that weird?” whispered the wife, “giving him a treat even when he’s mad.”

“Why are you giving him a treat?” questioned the husband.


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Posted in Funny Stories, Pet Jokes

The Missing Dog!

Funny Missing Dog Picture
Have you seen this dog?

You Have Now!

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Posted in Dog Jokes, Funny Pictures

Funny Dog Picture

Funny Dog PictureEvery Snack You Make, Every Meal You Bake, Every Bite You Take

I’ll Be Watching You!


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Posted in Dog Jokes, Funny Pictures

Animal Cracker Joke

“Mom, can I have an animal cracker?” asked 3 year old Bob. “Sure Bob,” said his mom. “Open up the box, and take a few.”

Forty five minutes later Bob’s mother walked into the kitchen. “Bob, why’d you spill out all of the animal crackers, and what are you looking for?”

“It said on the box not to eat it if the seal is broken.” Bob replied “I spilled out the whole box, I looked through all of the animals but I can’t find any seals!”

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Posted in Cute Jokes, Fish Jokes

Horse Joke

Jack strode into ‘John’s Stable’ looking to buy a horse. “Listen here” said John, “I’ve got just the horse your looking for, the only thing is, he was trained by an interesting fellow. He doesn’t go and stop the usual way. The way to get him to stop is to scream heyhey the way to get him to go is to scream Thank God.

Jim nodded his head, “fine with me, can I take him for a test run?”

Jim was having the time of his life this horse sure could run he thought to himself. Jim was speeding down the dirt road when he suddenly saw a cliff up ahead “stop!” screamed Jim, but the horse kept on going. No matter how much he tried he could not remember the words to get it to stop. “yoyo” screamed Jim but the horse just kept on speeding ahead. It was 5 feet from the cliff when Jim suddenly remembered “heyhey!” Jim screamed. The horse skidded to a halt just 1 inch from the cliff.

Jim could not believe his good fortune, he looked up to the sky, raised his hands in the air, breathed a deep sigh of relief and said with conviction “Thank God.”

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Posted in Funny Stories, Long Jokes, Pet Jokes, Sports Jokes

Dead Dog Joke

Joe was a steward for Fly High airlines. He watched as an older lady boarded the plane holding a dog in a cage. “Excuse me,” said Joe “dogs are not allowed on board, you have to check it in with the baggage.” The lady wasn’t happy, but Joe was an experienced steward and succeeded in convincing the lady without much of a scene. Upon arrival, Joe took a peek in the cage, and to his great surprise, saw that the dog was dead! Frantic that they may get sued, Joe quickly sent one of his underlings out to town to buy a dog that looked exactly the same. Just in the nick of time the underling arrived with the dog They quickly switched dogs and breathed a sigh of relief. “This isn’t my dog!” said the lady as soon as she saw it. “I’m sure it is” insisted Joe “I was very careful about where I put it.” “It’s not my dog” argued the lady, “you see, I was bringing my dog to my home town to have him buried, and this dog is alive!”

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Posted in Airplane Jokes, Dog Jokes

Dogs Joke

Dan hated dogs, he hated them with a passion. One morning Dan was driving his car down a busy street when to his surprise he saw ahead of him a fellow running full force with 2 big dogs after him. “ I’ve just got to save this guy”, thought Dan, and with that he quickly sped up along side of him, rolled down his window, and screamed “hurry, hop in!” “Thanks!” said the fellow opening the door, “it’s always hard for me to get a ride when I have my two dogs with me!”

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Posted in Dog Jokes

Fishing Joke

Q. How do you communicate with a fish?
A. You drop it a line

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Posted in Fish Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Nose Joke

Q. Why is a swordfish’s nose 11 inches long?
A. If it were 12 inches long it would be a foot!

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Posted in Fish Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Embarrassed Joke

Q. What should you do to a red elephant?
A. Quit telling it dirty jokes.

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Posted in Elephant Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes
