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Enjoy our collection of blonde jokes, after all that’s what they are here for!

Legally Blonde Joke

Bumper Sticker – CAUTION! – Driver legally blonde!

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Posted in Blonde Jokes, Funny Bumper Stickers

Puzzle Joke

A brunette walked into a room and saw her blonde friend whooping and hollering.

“What’s the matter?” The brunette inquired.

“Nothing at all. I just done finished a jigsaw puzzle in record time!” The blonde beamed.

“How long did it take you?”

“Well, the box said ‘3 to 5 Years’ but I did it in a month!”

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Posted in Blonde Jokes

Blonde In A Tree Joke

Q. How do you get a blonde out of a tree?
A. Wave.

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Posted in Blonde Jokes

Iron Joke

A blond man entered the emergency room with his two ears burned. “What happened?” asked the doctor. “Well”, the man explained, “my wife was ironing clothing, behind my chair while I was watching TV. She put down the iron next to the phone and when the phone rang I answered the iron.”

“Wow that is terrible” responded the doctor, and what happened to your other ear?”

“Well” the blond guy responded “Right afterwards, the phone rang again!”

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Posted in Blonde Jokes, Hospital Jokes, Long Jokes

This Side Up Joke

A foreman of a factory was making his rounds inspecting how all of the workers were doing their jobs. “Well” he said to one blond worker, “I see you are doing a very diligent job stamping all of the boxes ‘THIS SIDE UP’. “Yes” the worker replied, eager to please, “and just to be extra sure I stamped the bottom also!”

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Posted in Blonde Jokes, Work Jokes
