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Cheese Thought

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Posted in Funny Thoughts

Immigrant Joke

An immigrant from Poland who was married to an American barged into the police station out of breath. “My wife, she try to kill me” he stammered. “Are you absolutely sure?” questioned the police officer. “Of course I sure” he countered insulted “you think I dumb, look what I found in her purse” he said pulling a bottle out of his pocket, “look it says polish remover!”

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Posted in Funny Stories, Long Jokes

Vice President Joke

In the year 2000 Joe Lieberman ran for president, being that he was the first potential Jew in high office he was given a lot of attention. After a disappointing loss Joe walked into his house. “Don’t worry” said his wife “in this house you’ll always be vice president!”

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Posted in Funny Speech Openers, Funny Stories, Jewish Jokes

Pizza Musings

Ever Wonder? Why does round pizza come in a square box?

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Posted in Funny Thoughts

Thoughts About Money

Ever wonder? If you have to put two cents in, but it’s only a penny for your thoughts, who gets the extra penny?

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Posted in Funny Thoughts

Salami Thoughts

If bread is square why is sandwich meat round?

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Posted in Funny Thoughts

Mean Boss Joke

The CEO of a large company was walking to the cafeteria along with two of his secretaries. Upon tripping on a bottle, a genie appeared and asked the threesome if they would like to each make a wish.

The first secretary excitedly exclaimed, “I wish I was on a beach in a tropical island!” Immediately her wish was granted.

The next secretary proclaimed, “I wish I was on a tour of France!” Immediately her wish too, was granted.

Being that it was now his turn to make a wish the CEO exclaimed “I want the two of them back in their offices right after lunch!”

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Posted in Boss Jokes, Genie Jokes, Long Jokes

Kids Fears Joke

I live in Canada, a plane ride away from my family, so I was very excited to inform my twin 3 year olds that we were going to go on a plane to see my family. It was after a few days that it struck me that they seemed nervous about it. After talking it over with them I finally figured out the problem. They thought they would each have to fly on a separate plane by themselves. How else would we all fit into one of those tiny planes that fly in the sky?

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Posted in Cute Jokes, Little Johnny Jokes, Long Jokes

The Honest Lawyer?

The city miser was on his death bed, as his last request he asked to be alone with his lawyer, doctor, and priest. “I know I am going to die” he said ” and I would like to take my money with me, so I am going to give each of you $150,000 and I want you to each make sure the money gets in the coffin.”

It was a few days after the funeral when the priest over flowing with guilt finally confided to the other two that he only put $100,000 back. “I’m glad you brought it up” said the doctor, “because I have also been feeling guilty, I only put $80,000 back.”

“You people should be ashamed of yourselves” stormed the lawyer “stealing money like that, am I the only honest person here? Here look at this” he said pulling out his check book, “look I wrote out a check for the full $150,000!”

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Posted in Clever Jokes, Lawyer Jokes, Long Jokes

Just Being Practical

A man wasn’t feeling well so he went to the doctor. After examining him the doctor took his wife aside, and said, “your husband has a very sensitive heart. I am afraid he’s not going to make it, unless you treat him like a king, which means you are at his every beck and call, 24 hours a day and that he doesn’t have to do anything himself. On the way home the husband asked with a note of concern “what did he say?” “Well”, the lady responded, “he said it looks like you probably won’t make it.”

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Posted in Doctor Jokes, Long Jokes
