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Enjoy our collection of laffy taffy jokes, after all that’s what they are here for!


Mushroom Joke

Q: What room has no walls
A: A mushroom!

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Posted in Laffy Taffy Jokes

Horse Joke

Q. What did the guy say to the horse when he walked into the bar?

A. Why the long face??

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Posted in Laffy Taffy Jokes

Egg Joke

Q. What did the egg say to the frying pan?
A. “You crack me up”

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Posted in Laffy Taffy Jokes

Dirty Joke

Did you hear the joke about the toilet?

Never mind it’s too dirty.

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Posted in Corny Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Fishing Joke

Q. How do you communicate with a fish?
A. You drop it a line

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Posted in Fish Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Nose Joke

Q. Why is a swordfish’s nose 11 inches long?
A. If it were 12 inches long it would be a foot!

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Posted in Fish Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Smelly Joke

Q. What did one eye say to the other?
A. Between me and you something smells.

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Posted in Laffy Taffy Jokes

Embarrassed Joke

Q. What should you do to a red elephant?
A. Quit telling it dirty jokes.

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Posted in Elephant Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Chase Joke

Q. What time is it when ten elephants are chasing you?
A. Ten after one!

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Posted in Elephant Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Talking Bird Joke

Q. What is smarter than a talking bird?
A. A spelling bee

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Posted in Bird Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes
